Hey everyone.  Today is very special.  I’m pumped because today is essentially the last day of home schooling my kids for the year (hopefully….damn you coronavirus)  

To celebrate, I thought today needed a little peppy 80’s montage music (first to name the movie gets…nothing but my respect)  put together with a quick run through making one of my super pano shots.

This picture (“High Above Home”, featured here at the print store) used around two dozen photos to merge together and then finish in Photoshop to make the final result.  Is the Earth curved that much?  No but I liked the look (but, really, it is curved).  This might be the largest of the super panos that I’ve done so far.  It covers from Oroville and Beale, to Mather, Placerville, Lake Tahoe, and Nevada City (and everything in between).  Most of my world exists in this photo, as do a significant number of Northern Californians.  It’s where I’ve lived, worked, and played for a large portion of the last 15 years.  The full resolution has pretty amazing detail. 

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